• I’ve wanted to try writing weeknotes for about a year but kept waiting for the right tool or workflow. I decided that “perfect” was the enemy of “good” and to go ahead and start with plain markdown files.
    • I originally learned about it from Tom Stuart and I love the way that it lets you get to know the whole person. Their interests, their difficulties, etc.
  • This week we loaded up an entire 23 foot dumpster with trash, old clothes, a broken couch, chair, pet mattress, etc. We used to clean when we moved, but staying in one house for nine years (plus 1.5 years of a pandemic) proved too formidable a foe. $900 well spent.
  • I’ve been working at the new job for about eight months and, despite pretty rave performance reviews, I still feel pretty ineffectual and burnt out. We’ve been paying off debts from the last break I took but I fear I should start saving for my next one.
  • I drove friends to the airport at 4 AM Thursday. It was sheer happenstance that my sleep schedule synced up with that. Sometimes your idiosyncracies just work out.
  • Nika goes back into school for the first time since the pandemic hit in twelve days. I’m anxious for how it will turn out, a little excited to have her with old school friends and out of the house, and a lot guilty that I’m excited about it.